Cloud Hidden[6]

Tea Cakes - Mist / White Tea 白茶


Virtues: Soft, Sweet & Expansive

Benefits: Boosts immunity, reduces inflammation & supports the liver and kidneys

Year: Spring 2020

Tree Age: 100 - 200 years old

Location: 临沧 - Fengqing county, Líncāng, Yunnan

Size: 200g

Ingredients: Camellia Sinensis

The closest thing to drinking the leaf from the tree, this tea is simply picked, withered and sun-dried. Minimal human intervention during growing and production is an opportunity for direct communion with the leaf.

*if you brew light is more delicate and if you brew strong more bold, both are beautiful.


Gentle rain becomes the ocean...


Designed, produced by Cloud hidden, in NZ 


