Kristen is a ceramic artist crafting both functional and sculptural works of art with an element of imperfection. She frequently uses the Japanese kurinuki technique to quietly hollow out forms from solid blocks of clay while also building larger vessels by hand. Kristen enjoys pushing the boundaries of the materials she uses as well as the traditional techniques that potters draw upon to continually evolve her creative practices. She is influenced greatly by the landscape around the Kaipara area where she lives while her love for tea, poetry and the healing experience that comes through creativity are also interwoven into her work. She believes that experiencing art should be accessible to everyone and she has a fervent interest in seeing her ceramics becoming everyday art objects that are used in the daily lives of others.
She's exhibited recently at ASP Fire and Clay, Kaipara Sculpture Gardens and Foundation Gallery - Her beautiful works are selected and beautifully displayed at the new project for Cheshire architect, The Britomart Hotel Lobby and the new hospitality area on Level 1 floor. She is one of the emerging NZ potter who has busy creating beautiful things to connect with community and keep up with the demands.